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Keeping your systems on track with digital MOTs

Digital Mots

by Amy Bellamy

Outdated tech can hold back organisations. Learn how digital MOTs can assess and future-proof your systems.

Technology moves fast. Systems that worked well a few years ago can quickly become outdated, insecure and unable to provide the services people expect. 

Just like a car MOT makes sure your vehicle is safe to drive, a digital MOT checks if your technology is still fit for purpose. At TPXimpact, we help organisations review their digital solutions to find out what’s working, what needs a tweak, and what might need replacing altogether. 

Outdated tech, outdated results

Many organisations struggle with outdated technology. These systems might have been great when they were first brought in, but over time, needs change. The operating context changes and how people interact with services evolves. If firms don’t move with the times, they’ll quickly get left behind.

But the solution isn’t just putting in a new platform and expecting results. If you don’t have a clear idea of what exactly you and your users need, you’ll end up spending a lot of money on something that doesn’t deliver what’s needed, or may even make things worse! 

People can also be hesitant to invest in upgrading or implementing new technology because of the cost. Big tech projects can seem like risky investments and it's easy to understand why, particularly when cases like Birmingham Council’s ERP implementation make headlines. But without taking that risk, organisations may be stuck with the known issues of clunky, inefficient and unsafe systems. 

We see this frequently in local government. Tight budgets and day-to-day pressures mean councils often don’t have the time, resources or desire to review their tech. This can hold back the delivery of essential services, create frustration for users, and even cost more in the long run due to inefficient processes. By not engaging with the problem, they’re actually limiting their ability to deliver better, more cost-effective services.

How a digital MOT can help

This is where digital MOTs come in, to give an honest, clear review of your technology. It helps you understand if your systems are still up to the job or if it’s time for a change.

A digital MOT doesn’t just look at what’s broken. Instead, it focuses on how your tech can better support your organisation’s goals and users’ needs. Whether it’s moving to cloud-based systems, improving integrations between different tools, or updating configurations, it gives you the insights you need to make informed decisions.

In short, it’s about ensuring your technology is helping you today and will continue to do so in the future.

The process

Carrying out a digital MOT review requires four key stages:

  1. Talking to users: Start by talking to two key groups – the people who use the technology (like your IT team) and the people who rely on it to do their jobs (your users). This helps you understand how well the system is working for everyone.

  2. Reviewing the tech: Next, get into the technical details. Look at how your systems are set up, how they’re configured, what data they hold, how they work together, how they’re hosted, and whether there are any inefficiencies. 

  3. Engaging with suppliers: If you still work with the supplier who provided your systems, talk to them too. This helps you understand what’s possible with your current tech and what the future holds. For example, they might be planning a new release, or they might tell you the system is reaching the end of its life and that they will stop supporting it.

  4. Gap analysis: Throughout, compare your current systems to your needs, identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement. Your digital partner can then give you recommendations on what changes to make, whether it’s tweaking configurations, improving processes, or planning for a new system altogether.

What success looks like

In our experience, success means giving you a clear, actionable plan. After the digital MOT, you’ll know exactly where your tech stands and what you need to do next.

Sometimes that might involve recommending a new system and helping you through the procurement process. Other times, it might mean making simple changes to your existing setup to get more out of what you already have.

Ultimately, a successful digital MOT gives you confidence in your technology. You’ll know how it supports your business goals, understand where improvements can be made, and have a clear roadmap for the future. We aim to take you from uncertainty to confidence, knowing that your tech is ready to help your organisation grow.

Be ready for tomorrow, today

We’re passionate about helping organisations navigate tech challenges and unlock new opportunities. We’ve partnered with NHS organisations like the University Hospitals Derby and Burton NHS Trust (UHDB) to conduct a user-centred strategic review of electronic patient record (EPR) systems and worked with multiple councils to review their housing systems to ensure they have the right tools in place to meet the needs of residents. 

Technology doesn’t stay static, and organisations need to regularly review their systems to make sure they’re still fit for purpose. A digital MOT is a practical, straightforward way to get a fresh perspective on your tech, helping you make better decisions about how to manage and improve it. With one, you’ll know your digital solutions are in good shape, ready to support your goals, and capable of meeting the demands of today – and tomorrow.

If you want to learn more about how we can help you with your digital MOT, contact Amy Bellamy.

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Amy Bellamy

Head of Technology Strategy and Architecture

Contact Amy

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