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Client disclosure

Our people are delivering impactful digital transformation every day, radically improving the services that matter to people.

The core purpose of TPXimpact is to deliver impactful work, responsibly.

We understand that our biggest impact comes from the work that we do with our clients. The products and services that we are putting out into the world have the potential to make population-scale impacts on our communities. We take this responsibility very seriously and are conscious to ensure that our work is always aligned with our purpose.

With this in mind, it is important that we start measuring the impact of our client work and making sure that it supports both our commercial and impaction ambitions.

This year we have worked to develop a framework for dealing with controversial client sectors so that we can ensure that the work we do always aligns to our values, ethics and ambitions. To ensure that we are accountable and responsible for the work that we do, we will publish any revenue from controversial sectors each year in our client disclosure report.

Last year


Revenue from sectors deemed as potentially controversial by the International Finance Corporation and ethical investment criteria

Controversial clients